Transforming Clinical Services
A fundamental review of healthcare services in West Wales is currently being taken forward through HDdUHB's Transforming Clinical Services Programme. This programme is underpinned by four key objectives:
- Improving the quality of care
- Meeting the changing needs of patients
- Making resources go further
- Joining up services
Following extensive engagement with staff, partners, service users, carers and the public during the Spring and Summer of 2017 a number of options for organising and delivering healthcare in the future have been developed and these will be consulted upon further in the Spring of 2018, prior to formal adoption of the preferred model in the Autumn. All of these models are based on the core principles of improving population health, prevention and self-care and include the establishment of ‘community hubs’ providing a range of integrated health and care services aimed at helping people stay well within their communities.
The Transforming Clinical Services Programme provides a unique opportunity for health, social care and partners in the independent and third sectors – working with users and carers - to develop the seamless care system envisaged in the Parliamentary Review and that fits with the needs of people in West Wales. The Objectives within this Plan mirror the aims of the programme and signal a shared strategic intent to deliver transformational change.
Detailed implementation plans for Transforming Clinical Services will be developed once the way forward has been agreed.
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