Wider approach to wellbeing

A wider approach to well-being

Some of the issues and challenges that were identified within our Population Assessment require action beyond the remit of the RPB. Examples include developing ways of making it easier for people in rural communities to access the care and support that is available. In these instances we will work with the three Public Services Boards (PSBs) in the region, which have responsibility for improving economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in their areas by strengthening joint working across public services. Under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act, PSBs are required to produce Well-being Plans for their areas, informed by Well-being Assessments, and we will seek to ensure such wider issues are picked up as the Well-being Plans are implemented.

Similarly, we have identified where our Area Plan will help address issues pertinent to the wellbeing of people in need of care and support identified within the Well-being Assessments and will work with PSBs to align activity as necessary. Areas where the themes of the well-being plans and the Area Plan overlap include healthy habits, early intervention, strong connections and prosperous people and places (Carmarthenshire); community resilience and individual resilience (Ceredigion); and living and working, resourceful communities and tackling rurality (Pembrokeshire).

Links to the Well-being Plans developed by the three PSBs will be provided when the Plans are published.


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