Measuring outcomes

Measuring outcomes

A key aspiration within the Act is that services across the statutory, independent and third sectors work in partnership to build on people’s strengths and abilities and enable them to maintain an appropriate level of independence and realise their personal goals. To support this, Welsh Government has developed a National Outcomes Framework for people who need care and support and for carers needing support. This Framework includes a series of national well-being outcomes which these groups should expect in order to lead fulfilled lives. These are as follows:

What well-being means National well-being outcomes
Securing rights and entitlements
Also for adults: Control over day-to-day life
N1 I know and understand what care, support and opportunities are available and use these to help me achieve my well-being.
N2 I can access the right information, when I need it, in the way I want it and use this to manage and improve my well-being.
N3 I am treated with dignity and respect and treat others the same.
N4 My voice is heard and listened to.
N5 My individual circumstances are considered.
N6 I speak for myself and contribute to the decisions that affect my life, or have someone who can do it for me.
Physical and mental health and emotional well-being
Also for children: Physical, intellectual, emotional, social and behavioural development
N7 I am healthy and active and do things to keep myself healthy.
N8 I am happy and do the things that make me happy.
N9 I get the right care and support, as early as possible.
Protection from abuse and neglect N10 I am safe and protected from abuse and neglect.
N11 I am supported to protect the people that matter to me from abuse and neglect.
N12 I am informed about how to make my concerns known.
Education, training and recreation N13 I can learn and develop to my full potential.
N14 I do the things that matter to me.
Domestic, family and personal relationships N15 I belong.
N16 I contribute to and enjoy safe and healthy relationships.
Contribution made to society N17 I engage and make a contribution to my community.
N18 I feel valued in society.
Social and economic well-being
Also for adults: Participation in work
N19 I contribute towards my social life and can be with the people that I choose.
N20 I do not live in poverty.
N21 I am supported to work.
N22 I get the help I need to grow up and be independent.
N23 I get care and support through the Welsh language if I want it.
Suitability of living accommodation N24 I live in a home that best supports me to achieve my well-being.

Outcomes are also being developed at a regional level, building on the national framework, to measure the impact of care and support in West Wales. The framework will be supported by specific performance measures to help us monitor progress. It will be launched during 2018-19 and will be supported by a comprehensive data bank developed following the Population Assessment and through which we will look to standardise data sets in relation both to the population and services across the Region.

In the Delivery Plan (Section 3) we link each objective to relevant National Outcomes and will update the Plan to include regional outcomes as these are finalised.


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